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Privacy Policy

AERODYNAMIKS and its direct and indirect subsidiaries as well as foreign branch offices are committed to meeting legal and regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy where it conducts its business activities. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) defines the minimum standards with respect to AERODYNAMIKS collecting, processing, or otherwise using personal data, including information that may be considered as sensitive Personal Data (“Personal Data”) about individuals including AERODYNAMIKS associates, business contacts, customers or vendors (“Individuals”).

Where AERODYNAMIKS controls other company entities, such other companies will be required to abide by the principles set in this Policy.



AERODYNAMIKS will handle Personal Data in accordance with the following principles. AERODYNAMIKS ensures that its business partners and vendors comply with the principles of this Policy and applicable legal and regulatory compliance standards through appropriate contractual agreements.



AERODYNAMIKS will collect, store, process, use, share, transfer, analyze or otherwise handle (“Process” or “Processing”) Personal Data in accordance with applicable legal requirements for legitimate business or compliance purpose or if individuals have provided consent to the Processing or any relevant basis as defined by the applicable laws or regulations.



AERODYNAMIKS will limit the Processing of Personal Data in terms of scope and duration, as is necessary for the intended purpose.



In accordance with applicable legal requirements, AERODYNAMIKS will provide information to individuals that explains the scope and purpose of Processing, and whom to contact to seek clarifications about privacy or data protection.



AERODYNAMIKS will take all necessary measures, as required by applicable laws and regulations, to ensure that Personal Data processed are accurate for the intended purpose. Any inaccurate personal data, in the context of the purposes for which they are processed, will either be erased or rectified without delay. Accuracy of data may be subject to the data subject’s duty to notify and/or utilise the options as outlined in Privacy Notices.



AERODYNAMIKS aims to protect the security and confidentiality of individuals’ Personal Data and implement physical, technical and organizational measures against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access. AERODYNAMIKS will ensure measures are appropriate to the risks represented by the Processing it carries out and the nature of those Personal Data.



AERODYNAMIKS incorporates the principles of Privacy by Design into all of its personal data processes executed using digital systems, technologies or manually. By default, privacy requirements are embedded into every standard, protocol and process followed by AERODYNAMIKS.



AERODYNAMIKS discloses, when required/asked, personal data to third parties only for the purposes identified in the privacy notice, with the consent of the individual, or as required for lawful purposes. Third parties refer to public authorities, Law Enforcement Agencies and similar authorities.



AERODYNAMIKS will observe retention policies and procedures so that it deletes Personal Data after a reasonable time and the purposes are met. Exception applies if in the context of those purposes, it is necessary to keep the Personal Data indefinitely, or a law requires the Personal Data to be kept for a certain time. When AERODYNAMIKS no longer needs to keep Personal Data for the purposes, for which they are held, it will delete them as soon as practicable.



National data protection and privacy laws may impose additional requirements on AERODYNAMIKS for the Processing of Personal Data. Where required, AERODYNAMIKS will establish procedures and guidelines in order to supplement the principles of this Policy and engage with relevant regulatory/ supervisory authority, as required.



All known or suspected incidents involving Personal Data must be reported immediately upon discovery. This includes incidents notified to AERODYNAMIKS from any AERODYNAMIKS associate, client, third party service provider or other business partner. AERODYNAMIKS will provide education and awareness to its workforce regarding the procedures for reporting a suspected or confirmed incident. Each incident is investigated and tracked to closure.



AERODYNAMIKS has internal arrangements in place to ensure compliance with this Policy, to allow effective exercise of individuals’ rights set out in this Policy and under applicable law, and to deal with any concerns from individuals that AERODYNAMIKS may not have complied with the Policy and/or applicable law. All individuals can leverage these arrangements and/or exercise their rights by contacting their local Data Protection Officer.



AERODYNAMIKS may update this Policy from time to time and without prior notice to individuals to reflect changes in law or privacy practices.

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